What is Church?

©Sira Anamwong, freedigitalphotos.net

©Sira Anamwong, freedigitalphotos.net

Church is people who follow Jesus. Church is people who care. Church is people who meet you where you are. Church is people who uplift and encourage. Church is safe. Church is hope. Church is the Holy Spirit showing up through people you hardly know to let you know He knows your heart.

Church is where your vulnerability meets my vulnerability and together we walk unashamedly toward God.

Church is a group of online bloggers who, without fail, write about the love and compassion of God. They demonstrate it in their responses to comments, in their quest to follow Jesus, and in their desire to let His light shine through them.

Church is wherever two or more are gathered in His name.

Church is just me on my little deck loaded with plants, where I sit in quiet repose, writing praise poetry, reading my Bible, keeping company with my cat and God in the quiet hours of the early morning.

Church is mourning over great loss, knowing He walks through it with you, tears in His eyes, arms around you, bearing much of the burden of your grief and heartache so you will not be crushed and destroyed by the weight of it.

Church is finding joy as others find Him, delighting in the fullness of heart and peace another embraces and they are enveloped in grace and mercy and everlasting love.

Church is the thrill of finding Him in every living heart; the willingness to seek and experience through guileless eyes the wonder and exultation that is our Creator.




  1. Beautiful, and amen!


  2. lynettedavis · ·

    Reblogged this on Memoir Notes.


    1. Thank you once again, Lynette.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lynettedavis · ·

        My pleasure Susan! Every since you posted it a few days ago, it’s been on my mind.


  3. A beautifully touching post Susan. It’s so wonderful to come to the realisation that “Church”, even though the JW’s don’t use that word, isn’t about being a member of a particular religion. It’s so wonderful to learn that we don’t have to give our submission to an institutional arrangement. It’s so wonderful to learn that we are all united in Christ the world over by our faith in Him & what he achieved for each & every one of us on the Cross. It’s so wonderful to experience the truth of Jesus’ words at John 8:32 that we will know the truth & the truth will set us free.
    Hope you have a great weekend, God Bless


    1. You, too, Tony. Thanks for stopping by; you’re always welcome here.


  4. realchange4u · ·

    So precious that you have such wisdom and clarity. To have ears to hear and eyes to see Him with. You are truly blessed Susan. Keep searching . I love your heart my friend.

    Much Love Tom


    1. Tom, SO happy to see you, my friend. You are most assuredly my church buddy. Missed you.


  5. lynettedavis · ·

    I just love this. It’s so beautiful and so true and so validating.


  6. lynettedavis · ·

    I just love this. It’s just so beautify and so true and so validating.


    1. Thank you, Lynette, and bless you for your continued encouragement.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Church is not easy…in our own powe thats


    1. In our own power, it’s impossible. In the power of Jesus, it’s possible and becomes easier and easier.


  8. Yup 🙂 ❤ I owe you an email I think? 😉


      1. 🙂 Sent BTW 😉


  9. Beautiful, Susan. Just beautiful.

    Church is you and me. It is us, bound together by the blood of Christ, stepping outside brick-and-mortar walls and self-constructed walls of fear/shame/doubt. Church is free to you and me. It is life. The heartbeat of family. Brothers and sisters grafted into The Vine, singing, “Yes, Father, yes. We believe and receive.”

    Thank you, Susan, for being such an inspiration. Always.

    Your dirt sister,


    1. (sigh) We are church, Heather. The two of “two or more.”
      Thank you, sweet dirt sister.


    2. lynettedavis · ·



  10. “We are the body…”


  11. Melissa · ·

