Thoughts Post-surgery

My Friday and Sunday posts were pre-scheduled. Today, I’m home post-surgery. Thanks to God, everything went smoothly. I also thank my surgeons, Dr. Song and Dr. Kanka, my anesthesiologist, and the nurses who assisted and comforted me during the process: Tambra and Ruby, Edith and Lolly.

Now that I’m home and thinking back on everything, I realize God was with me and with my doctors every step of the way. He’s with me now as I look back and remember what occurred. Oh, I can’t recall any of the surgery itself. I barely remember being wheeled into OR. What I remember is saying prayers on the gurney before they wheeled me in, that God would be with me, and with the doctors, guiding their hands throughout the procedure.

I woke up very sore and very groggy, but I knew everything had gone as planned. I knew my friends and neighbors prayed for me as I was in surgery. I knew those prayers covered me in safety and healing, and I thank everyone who halted their day, even for a moment, and said a prayer.

Today, and in the weeks that follow, as I recover wrapped in bandages, I will be reminded the embrace of Jesus, and of my Father. This tight wrapping allows me to feel this bodily Eucharist as a blessing, knowing he touches me – every part of me – every moment of every day. And I will remember, when it’s time to shed this protective cover, He is my protective cover always and forever.

This is very simply a, “Thank You,” for all those who opened themselves to God this past week and weekend and, as a result, to me.


  1. Feel better soon. Praying for a quick and complete recovery 🙂


  2. Glad to hear this went well, Susan!


  3. I pray for the manifestation of a body healed and whole according to the Lord’s divine will for your body.


  4. Sending prayers for a quick and complete recovery, Susan! 🙏🏼😘


  5. Praise God! I pray you recover quickly, better than ever. 🙂 Blessings.


  6. You have been blessed to be a blessing. I appreciate your gratitude.


  7. So glad to hear everything went well. Remembering you in prayer as you begin the recovery process. — Genie


  8. […] via Thoughts Post-surgery — Susan Irene Fox […]


  9. YAY! 🙂


  10. Prayers for your recovery! Eat chocolate!


  11. So glad to hear everything went smoothly. God has you in the palm of his hand as always. Praying for speedy recovery


  12. glad to hear it all went well )
